Friday, April 25, 2008

Give Me a Break!

As I read the article about Obama’s uphill battle with gaining the vote of working-class whites and Catholic voters. I get a bit sick to my stomach. Does the media not understand that they inflate the racial tension amongst the nation? Now they are blaming a certain type of person for it and claiming they may be telling the pollsters one thing and voting another. I am a working class white woman, and I am particularly appalled at the media’s stereo type. I for one will vote based on the political views and accomplishments of a candidate, not on the color of his or her skin.
The big story from the beginning was history being made should either Senator Barrack Obama or Senator Hillary Clinton make it into the White House. While I agree it will be a huge turn in the history of this country, it should not be the basis of what this election is about. If the Media could report on the facts and the issues the candidates are running for, it would be a bit easier to vote for the candidate that would best serve the people of this country than based on whether you are an African-American, Female, or Catholic.
The "Bradley" effect, later called the "Wilder" effect is another one of those terms that instigated tension amongst individuals and groups. To call the voting public “liars” is ludicrous. The “effect” states that 2 African-Americas ran for state offices. The polls showed more support than they actually got on voting day. This holds no water; everyone is entitled to change their mind, the candidates might have made a comment or reacted after the poll that changed their mind. I have changed my mind several times throughout this campaign, and as an American, I am entitled to change it as many times as I want.
I truly hope that someday, we as a country can past the color of one another’s skin, whether we are a man or a woman, and how we worship. It truly divides this country and it is time to unite as one nation.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

I agree with my classmate’s blog about the over exaggeration of race and gender in the Democratic primaries. I think that the media over inflates these issues and exaggerates in order to gain more viewers. Unfortunately, this leaves candidate’s actual political views in the background. This is inappropriate, as we are deciding on the potential leader of our country, not a popularly contest between African Americans and girls.