Friday, February 8, 2008

Bush's Delusion of a Budget Surplus

After reading the article about President Bush’s budget realities, I grow more and more disappointed in his administration. He has managed to put this nation in one of the worst budget deficits in history.
The president has made such a mess of the environment that the next president has an uphill climb to just try and keep this country out of an recession. The shortfall of the budget is not the fault of the President, he and his supports refuse blame and instead place it on 9/11, Katrina and the Iraq war. Wasn’t that war Bush’s idea?
Bush’s critics blame his pushing of excessive tax cuts for the wealthy, his inability to veto dissipative spending by Congress and choosing to launch a war among other things. I personally blame him for his inability to control the gouging that has plagued the American public for the last few years, this includes the outlandish fuel costs that have all but suspended recreational travel which impacts areas that rely on travelers for their income. The housing market disaster is also a direct result of his inability to balance the budget, more foreclosure and the continuous drop in percentage rates to try and keep the country upright.
The most troubling piece of the article was the table at the end that put his entire presidency into perspective. Since 2002, the country deficit has been hundreds of billions off of his estimated budget. Is that what he calls fuzzy math?

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