Friday, February 22, 2008

Debate in the Lone Star State

The delegates have come to Texas! Have you made up your mind? In my mind the real race is between Hilary and Barack in the Democratic race. They have descended on Texas for a great debate in the Lone Star State. The invitation only debate lasted 90 minutes with a few jabs from Hilary, however she was very gracious about the election and how honored she was to be standing there with Barack Obama. Some of the non-attendees were a bit angry that the debate was for those that could afford a ticket and not for the common folks, when in actuality all the 2,000 tickets were won through a raffle.
A decision shouldn’t be made on the basis of a debate. You have to follow a candidate throughout their campaign to get to the heart of their passion. The content of a debate can get a bit off as the candidates attempt to dismiss the other. Unfortunately, I think that the “cool” candidate will be the one to prevail and not the candidate that can really work for our country to get our country out of turmoil.
They both are working on a health insurance platform as well as the President of the US conversing with a known fascist; both have very different opinions about both. I believe that if you can negotiate common goals and help stabilize the relations between the countries, the president should do that. The Commander in Chief should work to ensure the safety of this country and its citizens if at all possible. I see a leader within the Democratic delegates, I hope that this country see the experience as a plus. Uninsured citizens of Texas is a growing issue, with the economy in the spiral downfall it is in, health insurance rates are on the climb with less coverage, just to offset the costs.
The Texas Primary has taken the candidates all over the state from Houston, Dallas South Texas and back to Austin, we welcome them back anytime. From here they are onto the next stop on the campaign trail, Ohio!

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